Monday, April 4, 2011

Benjamin's 1st Birthday

April 3rd 2011 Jennifer and Mark celebrated their son's Dohl with family and friends in Pasadena, CA ( for more information regarding "doljabi" a Korean 1st birthday tradition)

This day was perfect! After all the rain storms had passed, the sky and grass were insanely vibrant! A couple hours into the party, it was time for Benjamin to decide his future!

He instantly played with the rice even though there was a lot to choose
As many of you do not know, I have a sweet tooth (like a fat kid and cake). This cake was the BEST I've tasted in a while. French Butter Cream! I hope Benjamin had some too

Attempting to blow out the candle while guests gather around 

Eventually Benjamin started to get tired so I had to bug him a little more before he could pass out. Thank you so much Jennifer and Mark! I had a great time being a paparazzi with all the babies and children candid shots  :)

I had his rice cake, I'm sorry Benjamin!!